When is the right time to euthanize my pet?
You may have found our site because you’re unsure if it’s the right time to euthanize your pet. While there’s no single guideline that can tell any of us the right time to euthanize our dog or cat, this page outlines some factors to consider.
First, here’s a thought exercise that Dr. Leach finds very useful:
When I’m making a decision about whether to euthanize one of my own pets, I consider whether delaying the decision would mean that a greater proportion of my pet’s remaining days will be spent in pain or discomfort than in contented happiness. If there’s a significant chance that postponing would lead to more bad days than good ones, then I consider euthanasia.
Since none of us can predict the future, this may mean that some potentially happy and comfortable future days are cut short. But much more importantly, it means that we help our pet safely avoid the very likely pain and discomfort ahead. We consider this is the kinder, more caring decision, and we truly believe that our pet will experience it as the kinder, more comfortable way to spend their last days.
If you’re interested in a more systematic approach to making your decision, Dr. Alice Villalobos has created a Quality of Life scale (PDF) for pets that many of our clients have found to be a helpful tool in their decision process.
Of course, every euthanasia decision is unique and difficult. We’re always happy to help our clients talk through the details of their particular situations and help them come to the right decisions. Please contact us if you’d like to discuss your own pet’s situation.
See these pages for more information about at-home euthanasia: